Covid 19 House Cleaning

Please take a moment to read the following: ⠀

Due to the Covid-19 precautionary advisory detailed by Health Canada, Home Spritz has taken detailed steps to keep our cleaners and customers safe. All cleaners have received thorough instructions for safety precautions before, during and after a cleaning. We have also reinforced the right to refuse service if our cleaners are feeling uncertain about being in an environment where there is potential spread concerns. ⠀

We ask that if any client has travelled to hard hit areas of covid-19 prior to your cleaning or are feeling ill, that you call to reschedule your booking until after the 2 week isolation period and/or are cleared by a doctor.⠀

If you require a more thorough cleaning of door handles with

Here is a list of ways to protect yourself and others:⠀
* Use good hygiene practices, such as frequent hand-washing⠀
* Cover coughs and sneezes⠀
* Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands⠀
* Stay at home and away from others if you are feeling ill⠀

Please view this link for some informative resources regarding Coronavirus and steps you can take to prevent the spread:⠀⠀

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Home Spritz safety protocols, please contact (587) 830-2012

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